Meat Free Recipes, Uncategorized, Vegetarian Eating

Birds Eye Launching A Pea Protein Meat Free Range

Birds Eye Launching A Pea Protein Meat Free Range

Birds Eye is moving aggressively into the growing “Meat Free” segment with the launch of their “Green Cuisine” range which is made with pea protein, rather than Grain, soya or bacterially produced mycoproteins which are currently used in most products. This will be a big benefit for many as allergies to these are quite common, so preventing wider uptake of meat substitutes.

Birds Eye Still Best remembered for Frozen Peas.
Image:Sunshine Seeds/Shutterstock

They are hoping to capture the attention of the market with a rather cheesy video campaign based on Vampires (who don’t eat meat as far as the legends go)  but hey ho its fun:


Birds Eye going a bit Gothic in their ad campaign


A Big Market To Aim At

Given that around 35% of households now buy meat-free on a regular basis and the market £ value is greater than the frozen red meat market this seems like a shrewd move. They are launching it with a rather tongue in cheek campaign with vampires and a cheesy strapline ‘Whoops, I’m a bit veggie!’ however, the main benefit is that they are healthier than their red meat alternative with lower levels of Saturated Fat, and more environmentally friendly given that Pea Protein is easier to source locally while offering some benefits to the soil via Biological Nitrogen Fixation

The range includes Meat Balls and Sausages as well as Burgers and the use of Pea Protein is a nice touch given that Birds Eye really built their brand on the frozen pea market.

The Sausages should go down well at vegan barbecues

Hopefully, this non-preachy approach combined with the cheesy advertising will encourage the 65% of households who currently don’t consume meat substitutes to give them a try. We will be doing a review soon so don’t forget to check back.

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