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Japanese Knotweed Invasive Plant which Can Cause You Problems Legally
Property for business, Property for individuals, Topics for Individuals add comment

Japanese Knotweed Invasive Plant which Can Cause You Problems Legally

Japanese knotweed which was first introduced into the UK from Japan in the 1850s as an ornamental garden plant is now the Environment Agency’s number one invasive plant species. Although a large proportion of the UK population are aware of the plant many are unaware of the legal ramifications they could face if the plant…

Wills, Lasting Power of Attorney & Trusts

Social and NHS Continuing Care
Property for individuals, Topics for Individuals, Wills, Probate and Lasting Powers of Attorney add comment

Social and NHS Continuing Care

Getting Help If Dementia and Alzheimer’s Occurs Dementia is affecting more and more people either personally or impacting on close friends or relations. Currently, there is no cure and two-thirds of dementia cases are due to Alzheimer’s disease other causes include: Vascular dementia Lewy body dementia frontotemporal degeneration (FTD) It can also occur as a combination…

Financial Services

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