Below is an example of a food pyramid tailored to those eating or thinking about switching to a vegetarian diet.
Of note is the emphasis on grains which are needed to bulk out the calorific content, given that most Fruits & non starchy Vegetables are quite low in these by volume. Also that protein remains important hence the Legumes, Seeds & Nuts.
Many people considering a vegetarian diet worry about getting enough protein, however virtually all Fruit & Veg contains some, with broccoli, spinach, asparagus, artichokes, potatoes, sweet potatoes and Brussels sprouts being particularly good sources.
For those switching but reluctant to give up meat Seitan is a popular choice as it is high in protein (around 25%) and it maintains a meat like look and texture when cooked. Ideal for stews etc.
Fruit is a great source of nutrients, however it does tend to be high in natural sugars (fructose) hence 2-4 portions a day is enough.