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How To Get Viper Gold Fast On Cold War

How To Get Viper Gold Fast On Cold War

Call Of Duty Cold War is one of the first games in a while with a fun new and original zombies game mode. 

Quite a lot about the game mode has changed since the days of World at War and Black Ops, for example zombies now have an optional health bar, and you have a minimap in the top corner of your screen.

Another change, which has been introduced previously too but has made a return, is weapon camos from playing Zombies game modes. There are 3 this year; viper gold, plague diamond, and then the aether dark matter.

Some people seem to be having a hard time obtaining these camos, when in reality it’s quite easy if you follow a few steps.

To unlock the camos, you need to complete some challenges, such as critical hit kills, pack a punch kills, and rapid kills. All these can be achieved by doing this.

First, you’ll want to stay in the first room for around 9 rounds, aiming for the zombies head if you can. Once you’ve killed all these zombies, and you have enough points, head to the facility to turn the power on via the door on your right when you spawn (the one past the equipment table).

But Jug on your way there, and once you’ve turned the power on, packapunch your chosen weapon. After this, buy Deadshot Daiquiri, Speed Cola, and if you have enough, staminup, and head back to the starting yard.

From here, periodically buy perks (if you don’t have staminup) and upgrade your chosen weapon when you can.

Get the zombies in a “train” in the spawn, meaning get them all in a line/group running after you and when you have them all in one place, shoot, whilst aiming in and out very fast. This will allow you to keep aiming for heads, completing the critical hits challenges.

If you do this for many rounds, it should only take you a few games at most to get a weapon gold. Granted, this may not be so easy for snipers and other slow firing weapons, but it still works on the same principle. If you have one, before a game, use a double weapon XP token too, to unlock attachments and camos faster. And as for “elite kills”, you will just complete this as you go along – there’s no way to speed this one up.

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