In this post were going to be writing about the Wind Occult Girl who has the awakening name of Charlotte, this unit is a very fun unit and is great at any stage in the game she can be used in both PvP and PvE areas, I personally find this unit incredibly strong she can also be flexible in the way she is runed.
This unit as said previously can be used in many different Areas of PvE you can use her for the likes of an early Giants team but that would be for B10 not B12. The best place I find to use her in PvE content is Trails of Ascensions (TOA). This is simply because this unit can cycle turns and also comes with two AOE abilities one of those AOE abilities being a chance to stun. In the screenshot below you can see a TOA team which I’ve tired and has been successful.
This unit is also good for PvP content such as Arena I love her on Arena offence when I combo her with Bastet as they both increase your attack bar which allows my units to move before the enemy getting the damage in early. You will see a combo I use down below in the screenshot I love this Arena Offence I currently have a 90% win rate with it.
Now lets talk about runes for this amazing yet adorable looking unit, she can be runed in many different ways, there is three way which this unit is the common TOA build for her would be Despair, Blade or Despair energy. Then if you want her to be a fast unit it will be Swift, Will or Swift Blade. But personally my favorite rune build on this unit is Violent, Will that simply because I love that chance to get extra turn cycling opportunities. In the screenshot below you will see my runes.