Frank Reynolds
Frank Reynolds is a fictional character played by Danny DeVito in the FX T.V show “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia“.
Frank is introduced to the show as the father of Dee and Dennis, and he ends up becoming roommates with Charlie.
Frank Reynolds Early life
In his early life, Frank is sent to a “Nitwit” school where he invents “The Frog Kid” that turns out to be himself. He is released from the school and provided with a certificate to confirm that he does not have “Donkey Brains”, thus proving his sanity.
He opens a club with his brother Gino called ‘Shadynasty’ Syadynasty is a singer and is Franks first love. However, Franks brother sends him away to Columbia so work as a cocaine quality controller. He later opens a sweatshop in Vietnam. After this Frank started a real estate company with his partner Eugene Hamilton, he then when on to steal all the money from his partner.
He finally went on to create a company called Atwater Capital.
Frank is a multi-millionnaire, he was nicknamed ‘The Warthog” due to his tyrannous style of leadership.
Due to his wealth, Frank is the Financier of the gang and usually is the one who funds the gang’s exploits.
As the show develops it reveals that Frank is not the biological father of Dee and Dennis and may actually be the father of Charlie.
Frank seems to take Mac under his wing on multiple episodes and tries to help him with his sexuality on numerous occasions.