Chapter Two: Trick or Treat, Freak
Introduction to the episode
The Episode starts with the flashback from season 1 and we see eleven spit out water laying on the floor of the upside down. letting out panic breaths as she looks around gently before standing realising she was in the school where she had killed the Demogorgon. She calls out as she walks around trying to find him but she couldn’t. She could here the soldiers talking as she finds an exit back to the normal world she peers though it and then hides not wanting them to spot her.
Once they went away she reaches though sticking her hand out the other side. She then uses her powers to make the hold bigger so she can step though to the other side. She could see blood on the floor due to the aftermath of the Demogorgon. Then were brought to her going to mike house however she see the government wiring the house and asking Mike about El.
They see each other that’s when the government people go check outside and we see El hiding underneath a log rocking back and forth crying silently wanting to keep hidden from the ‘bad men’
Main part of the episode
We see Hopper preparing breakfast when we see El come up behind him in a ghost costume reminding him it’s Halloween wanting to go out trick or treating. She tells him she won’t be seen but he reminds her of the rules that she can’t leave because the ‘bad men’ will take her and all he want to do is keep her safe. He remind her that it stupid however he decides to offer her candy and a scary movie to and a compromise saying that was her word for the day.
Then we see Joyce going to get Will up for the day she has a sort panic and then finds him and helps him get ready into his Halloween costume for school and then we see the rest of the boys getting ready and they were going as the ghost busters. Then they arrive at school and see no one else was dressed up effectively making them look like stupid.
Then we Joyce and Hopper talking about Will and it was clear she was worried about him having episodes but he reminds her that it has almost been a year since everything went down. Then they talk about old times together when sharing a cigarette.
We then see Steve and Nancy working together in the library when Nancy see someone from the back who looks at Barb and she get absorbed in her own mind. She missed barb and felt guilty for everything she wanted to tell her parent the truth and Steve remind her tonight they can be normal and go to a Halloween party. Then we see Dustin and Lukas attempting to talk to Max fails massively and they offer her to come trick of treating.
We see El watching tv and she was getting bored clearly and decides to look outside she find a squirrel it trigger a flashback and she is seen killing a squirrel and then cooking it for food and then she see a man with a gun and he tries to talk to her but she knocks him out and takes his jacket and hat. Once brought back to reality she quickly closes the window.
Then we have another farmer complains his pumpkins and see how rotten and accuses another farmer. Apparently everyone farm crops are dead and Hopper took down the names.
We see Max getting picked up by her older brother and he was being an asshole and we watch them having an argument and he seems to be very abusive and we watch him speeding and goes to hit the boys and Max grabs the wheel and stops him from hitting them she was clearly worried.
We watch as hopper goes to check all the crops and he begins to investigate and he see some gooey stuff on the tree and he begins to mark the area to anything that was dead. We then watch Will getting ready to go Trick or Treat. Will complains how he had to be watched all the time however Johnathan lets him be with his friends which make him super excited and Johnathan decides to go to the party.
We watch as the boy go from house to house before Max jumps out and scares them she was dressed as Michael Myers. Mike was clearly annoyed about Max joining meanwhile Hopper was still out by the farm when he remembers about El and quickly rushes to get back he offers to buy one of the kids candy.
He then does a mores code to El back home telling her he was late this triggers back to the flashback when she was wearing the man jacket and how he found her to keep her safe. Next we see Will having an episode where he was in the upside down and we watch as he see this giant cloud in the side before Mike finds him and snaps him out of it asking if he needed help or to go home clearly worried.
We watch Hopper get home and tries to get in while El sit with the Tv and tries to contact Mike she clearly misses him she reaches out to touch him but he walks away and she get upset as she begins to cry. Then we see Dustin come home and catch a small weird creature in his trashcan it was obvious that it wasn’t from the normal.