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Resident Evil 8: Daniela Dimitrescu’s

Resident Evil 8: Daniela Dimitrescu’s


Daniela Dimitrescu was a chimæric mutant human born from the Cadou research project and an adopted daughter of Countess Alcina Dimitrescu. She resided at Castle Dimitrescu with the rest of her family, including fellow adopted siblings Bela and Cassandra. Daniela was the youngest daughter and she was noted to be the most delusional of the three. She was killed during a raid on the castle by Ethan Winters.


Daniela Dimitrescu was born likely in the 1930s or 1940s, and it is possible she worked as a maid at Castle Dimitrescu. At some point in or prior to 1958, she became subject to an experiment with the Cadou parasite. All human cells in her body were consumed by imitation blowflies born out of the parasite, which then assimilated her DNA and turned into imitation human cells.

Neither Daniela nor the other successful test subjects remembered their life pre-experiment and were adopted into the Dimitrescu family as Countess Dimitrescu’s daughters. Like the others, Daniela consumed human flesh for sustenance, and maids were sent into the basement for infractions and violently mutilated and drained of blood. This practice continued well into 2021 when orders were given by Mother Miranda to prepare for an important ceremony. Any remaining servants were then killed.

On the morning of 9 February 2021, Ethan Winters wandered into Castle Dimitrescu looking for his daughter, Rose, who had been abducted for the ceremony. Daniela and her sisters captured him and presented him to the Countess, who refused to let them eat him until given permission by Mother Miranda.

While awaiting permission, Winters escaped captivity and was ambushed in the Library. During the fight, the Library’s skylight was opened and she was exposed to the same cold that incapacitated her sister, Bela. She was quickly weakened by Winters and her body calcified and fell apart, with only her crystalized remains left behind.


Like her other sisters, Daniela’s DNA consisted of human and blowfly genes. She was capable of utilising these genes where needed, changing between a human form and a swarm of flies. This ability to change form allowed her to resist gunshot wounds and other physical attacks. It also gives her the ability to stalk prey. The imitation DNA however made them susceptible to low temperatures which would force them to undergo cryobiosis. Here temperatures under 10 °C (50 °F) halt their metabolism. This was a known risk to their health as it left them vulnerable to attacks, and the sisters rarely if ever left the castle.


Daniela is primarily encountered in the Library of the castle, where she shares the same abilities as her sisters. She can inflict persistent damage from the swarm she is a part of when she gets too close and can lunge towards Ethan and bite at his neck. She cannot be harmed normally unless Ethan opens the skylight, where her exposure to the cold severely weakens her strength. Unable to transform into the swarm, she resorts to instead using her sickle weapon in a mad frenzy to kill Ethan but is able to be hurt by Ethan’s arsenal like any other enemy.

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