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Dead by Daylight: The Hag

Dead by Daylight: The Hag

The hag is one of the 25 Killers currently in the game and she was released back in 2016 on the 8th December in the chapter 3 which is called Of Flesh and Mud. The hag is known as a cursed Killer and has the ability to place something called a Phantasm Traps and then teleport to them once they have been activated.

Just like another killer within the game she also has three personal perks and these perks are Hex: The Third Seal,  Hex: Ruin and Hex: Devour Hope, this can apply some very damaging penalties to survivors as long as the associated totems don’t get cleansed during the trial.

Her perks revolve around the Hex Totems, this is because she is a Killer that focusing on cursing the survivors and sapping their abilities. The cruse will always last until the survivor manages to track down the lit totems and cleanse them.

She has the difficulty rating of intermediate, this is based of time and effort which is required in order to learn her.


Before becoming the Hag this was once a woman known by Lisa Sherwood. She was a girl who grew up in a very small village, which was completely isolated from the rest of civilisation. The people within the village of hamlet were known for being kind and the elders would uphold tradition and keep them alive, this often kept the peace by personally settling the ever rare disputes. Lisa was very found of charms the village had taught her as it taught her to draw for safety and good fortunes.

On one faithful night, a surprising storm struck it was violent, as the winds threw back her hair howling at her as it did. She stumbles as the rain covered her dressed sticking it to her skin. As she did her best to walk though the thick and slippery mud she lost her footing which caused her fall backwards and this leads her to strike her head roughly against a nearby rock. She then laid on ground slipping in and out of consciousness. She tired her best to focus on the black figures coming towards her that had came out from the trees but she couldn’t and that was the last thing she could remember.

Her kidnappers kept her chained to the wall of a cellar in which was flooded, it was very dimly lit and she could others around in which had giant gash that were left open and files swarming the area. It took them a day before they returned and they began craving chunks of flesh from the prisoners bodies with rusted blades. Eating each bit of flesh all the way down to the very bone. Lisa watch how the other prisoners would die quickly but somehow she manage to persist.

After serval weeks of pure torture, Lisa was starved, infected and mutilated badly. Her arms became very loose within her shackles, with all the strength she had left she pulls hard ripping her skin and muscle off until she was free. Her flesh bubbled with yellow pus and her bones were visible beneath all of her wounds. She dropped to the floor not able to go any further. Her head spun and her last thought was home and the thoughts of the elders. Within her final moments she drew the symbols that was taught to her on the floor with her finger. As in quick she drew something stirred within her and she craved for blood and took a oath she would seek vengeance.

The village search party eventually arrived at the swamp where the old shack was. The pervious people who lived there were laying there torn apart by something unidentifiable. In the cellar there was just rotting corpse sprawl around and the elders charmed scattered around the ground in blood. The weirdest thing was that Lisa body was not among the bodies and she was never found. After that day the village was never the same again .

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