Samsung have been at the top of the phone sales for some time now, almost the same time as apple have been at the top of the sales as well. Both phone providers have been able to release amazing functioned phones that do what the consumer wants, examples cameras and social media options. Phones nowadays are getting better and better and a lot of phone providers learn from each phone that have been released and make new ones from that, however Samsung almost lost everyone they had from one massive phone disaster that caused their business to almost go downhill.
The Samsung Galaxy Note 7 was released on the 19th August 2016 and this was the hottest phone at the time… literally. Nothing was wrong with the phone at the start, however more and more users started to notice the phone would heat up to quickly and to frequently. Then something happened to someone’s phone… One user reported that the phone had exploded on them while they were still using the phone. On the 2nd September 2016, Samsung suspended the sales of the Galaxy Note 7 due to the reports and not wanting anyone else to feel the effect of this phone.
On the 10th October 2016, Samsung permanently discontinued and called a product recall due to the issues the phone had. The main issue with this phone was the battery, the battery was so big that the phone was too easy to heat up, meaning the phone would overheat easier and then combust or explode. This was the reason why Samsung never made any more Galaxy Note 7 phones and discontinued it. Since this day there hasn’t been another phone that Samsung has made that haven’t exploded!