Amazon are one of the most well known businesses all across the world, delivering to almost every single country and provding the best customer care as well for a small price, however this price is now set to change as they begin to raise the price up!
The original price of this was £7.99 a month for Amazon Prime and £79 a year for Prime, however this is now due to change as prices continue to rise.
The price will go up by £1, therefore making the price of Amazon Prime, £8.99 a month and or £95 a year for the service.

Image Credit: Frederic Legrand – COMEO
There are a lot of services now, across the entire world, that is increasing the price of their standard plan, for example Netflix has increased the price, however this was maybe a bad move for them as they continue to lose subscribers.
However, Prime offers more than just streaming and delievry services, this is why they have one of the most successful plans known.
Amazon said the new pricing would begin from September, or at the customer’s next membership renewal date, adding that switching to an annual plan or cancellation of membership was also an option. BBC writer wrote!
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