What jobs need to be done in the garden in March
March is a great month to get started with your garden. It’s the time for planting seeds and seedlings, weeding, and getting the lawn ready for summer. In this article, we will look at what jobs need to be done in your garden in March so you can have a beautiful garden that’s full of life!
Spring clean the Garden in March.
March is the perfect time to clean up your garden. It’s OK if you can’t do everything, but try to get as much done as possible.
- Remove dead plants and weeds.
- Clean up garden tools.
- Remove debris from around the base of your plants (like leaves and twigs)
- Wee patio containers ready for planting
Mowing the lawn
Mowing the lawn is an essential part of gardening, whether you’re maintaining a small or large garden. In March, mowing should be done every two to four weeks—but if you want your grass to grow well and look good, it’s best to do it more often.
Depending on your area, March might be the first chance you get to Mow the lawn. It’s important to only start mowing if the weather is on your side don’t start mowing the lawn if the ground is consistently wet. Patience in getting your first mow in will be your best tool for creating a nice lawn for the summer.
When mowing your lawn, make sure that your grass isn’t left too long: no more than 9cm (3.5 inches) on any given occasion; this will keep the roots healthy and prevent damage to them by heat stress during the summer months.
As well as the overall length of the blades being maintained at an appropriate level throughout springtime months (and beyond), other considerations with regard to mowing include ensuring that they’re all cut in one direction while keeping blades straight. This will ensure even coverage across all areas of turf, so none are missed out entirely by accident; doing so also helps prevent clumps from forming near edges where these occur naturally due to uneven growth rates among individual plants. Additionally, using sharp blades when doing so reduces wear-and-tear over time which could otherwise cause them to need replacing sooner than expected.
What Vegetables and fruit can be planted in your garden in March?
- Planting vegetables and fruit in March is a great way to ensure you have food all year round.
- It’s vital that you plant your vegetables and fruit at the right time of year, as this will determine whether or not they grow successfully.
- Vegetables should be planted in soil that’s rich in nutrients, so it needs to be composted first. The soil should also be watered regularly after planting.
Plant Summer Bedding Container Plants in your Garden in March
The best plants to plant in your containers this time of year are summer bedding and flowering annuals. They’re easy to grow, and they’ll provide colour and texture throughout the summer.
Make sure you have a sunny spot for your container garden and that the soil is free of debris, weeds, or disease. If you’re unsure whether or not your area is fertilized enough for planting, add some compost before adding any soil mixture. Then fill each pot with about 3 inches of potting mix (make sure it’s regular potting soil with no nutrients added), gently pat down so it’s level with the rim of the pot, then water it thoroughly until damp but not soggy (you can use a hose with a spray nozzle).
Now take one plant at a time out of its plastic baggie; remove any strings around its roots if necessary; place it in your hand upside down; slide two fingers under each side of its root ball; turn it right-side up again while holding onto those roots firmly — do not pull! — so that your hand remains underneath all parts, including the top part where all growth occurs until they’re planted into their new home where they’ll start growing immediately once appropriately watered again after being removed from cold storage indoors where they were kept over winter months before being replanted outside into warmer temperatures surrounding them right now during springtime weather conditions here on earth today which has been getting warmer since April Fool’s Day when people started thinking outside
Look after wildlife
- Water: You can provide water for wildlife by putting out a bird bath or hanging a cup of water where bees and other insects will come to drink. You can also put out shallow containers with rocks in them for frogs to use as pools.
- Food: If you want to attract birds, scatter some seeds on the ground around trees or shrubs (don’t use seed mixes with more than five different kinds of seeds)
- Shelter: Build birdhouses of various sizes. These will make good homes for a variety of birds and other animals who can help keep unwanted pests away.
If you are interested in attracting birds to your garden, read our more extensive guide here.
March is an excellent time to prepare for the summer.
March is an excellent time to prepare for the summer.
The first thing to do is to look at your garden and decide what needs doing. If you have an existing garden, check that it has been tidied up after winter and make sure there are no weeds or pests in it, then tidy up any fallen leaves from autumn. It’s also a good idea to check your tools and make sure they’re all sharpened up before starting any new projects. If you haven’t got much garden space but still want to have something growing, consider using containers, as it will be easier than trying to plant directly into the ground!
If you don’t have a garden space or container plants yet, then now is very much the time for planting out seeds into small pots so that they can get established over spring months before being planted outside later on in the year once they are big enough not too fragile any more (as they would be if left in pots).
We hope you found this helpful, and we look forward to seeing all the beautiful flowers in your garden!