The Devil’s Hour follows the story of Lucy, played by Jessica Raine, who is woken every night by terrifying visions at exactly 3.33am: the devil’s hour. The series is due to be released on the 28th of October 2022.
Lucy’s eight-year-old son is withdrawn and emotionless. Her mother speaks to empty chairs. Her house is haunted by the echoes of a life that isn’t her own. When Lucy’s name is inexplicably connected to a string of brutal murders in the area, the answers that have evaded her all these years will finally come into focus. Peter Capaldi plays a reclusive nomad driven by a murderous obsession. He becomes the prime target of a police manhunt led by compassionate detective Ravi Dhillon, played by Nikesh Patel.
Tom Moran, Sue Vertue, Steven Moffat
Tom Moran
Hartswood Films
Jessica Raine, Peter Capaldi, Nikesh Patel