In this psychological horror fable of displacement, Aisha (Anna Diop), a woman who recently emigrated from Senegal, is hired to care for the daughter of an affluent couple (Michelle Monaghan and Morgan Spector) living in New York City. Haunted by the absence of the young son she left behind, Aisha hopes her new job will afford her the chance to bring him to the U.S. but becomes increasingly unsettled by the family’s volatile home life. As his arrival approaches, a violent presence begins to invade her dreams and reality, threatening the American dream she is painstakingly piecing together.
Coming to Amazon Prime on the 16th of December 2022
In cinemas 23rd November 2022
Nikyatu Jusu
Nikyatu Jusu
Nikkia Moulterie (p.g.a.), Daniela Taplin Lundberg (p.g.a.)
1 hour, 38 minutes
Nikyatu Jusu
Anna Diop, Michelle Monaghan, Sinqua Walls, Morgan Spector, Rose Decker, Leslie Uggams, Zephani Idoko