Working Dogs

Training Dogs Methods!

Training Dogs Methods!

With the rise of people wanting to get dogs, there has been a lot of people looking up how to train your dog to be great in and out the house, same goes for me. But we have a solution for you and this method can work but may also not work depending on the dog. Puppies are alot harder to train as 1 year old dogs are very easy since they will remember what to do and what to do all the time. Our training methods will provide some results and some incredible dogs.

Each and every time you want to train your dog… give them a treat for them doing. For example training them to go upstairs to a certain room, have a code word for them to remember, follow them up the stairs with the treat and once they complete the activity… give them the treat. Do this process each day and each hour and you will see result. My two dogs have been doing this the past week and I’ve seen massive results. Both dogs go uostairs to there own room with one word… Bed. They go running up the stairs and waits for me to come up.


Follow this system and you will see results instantly.

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