How to set up your Free Business Profile
This guide will walk you through how to set up your business profile on the Five Minutes Spare Platform
The Five Minutes Spare Profiles Platform works the same way as other social media platforms. The profile page is your opportunity to showcase your business, services, or products.
We have developed our platform for businesses to achieve three main objectives.
- Attract new customers
- Keep in contact with existing customers
- Allow your customers to contact you, book appointments or buy your products as simple as possible.
Each of these objectives requires several different solutions, and we have created the solutions for you that are simple, effective and cost-efficient.
This process starts with creating your basic Business Profile on the Five Minutes Spare Platform, and this guide will help guide you through this process.
Step 1
How to register
We have an approval process in place for Business Profiles to ensure only genuine businesses are included.
The Registration process is quick and simple only requiring the most basic of information.
Account Details
This needs to be a shortened version of your Full Business Name
It may be best to use an email address associated with your business, so your business and personal profiles are easily separated.
Profile Details
These are the details that are used to start building your profile.
Business Name
As you wish it to appear on your profile.
Profile Type
As you are registering a business profile, please choose this from the drop-down menu.
Date of Birth and Gender
This is for verification purposes only and will not be made public. If we can skip this all the better as it could be a Limited company or partnership signing up.
Town, County, Postcode Country
This will allow other Five Minutes Spare users to easily find your business when searching for a local one.
We have included a list of recommended groups in the drop-down menu. Join any you feel are relevant to you and your business. Don't worry too much about this as you can join others later.
Activate your account
Once you have submitted the form, we will review your application asap (usually within one working day). Once done, you will receive an activation link sent to the email address you initially entered.
This will complete the activation profile on the Five Minutes Spare Platform.