With the rise in Covid-19 cases, there are many problems that come with it, for example, everyone in Cumbria and around the UK is struggling to get their hands on some PCR tests and even some lateral flow tests. Some users have seen no change in-home delivery slots for weeks on end and others are able to get them on demand. There is currently a shortage in Covid-19 lateral flows and with this… What happens next?
With the number of people getting infected with Covid-19, the UK Health Security Agency said there is a new rule coming on the 11th of January. If anyone in the UK tests positive for Covid-19 via lateral flow test, they no longer have to test positive via a PCR. Meaning after you test positive on the lateral flow, you must go into isolation straight away since you could be positive.
Since this is hasn’t taken effect yet, everyone is still able to get themselves a PCR test, and once their PCR test is positive, they have to isolate, however, this is due to change, due to the number of lateral flows that have been used and the number of PCR tests they have left, as it is worryingly low right now!