
Ibuprofen Treats Coronavirus?

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Not too long ago, Covid-19 was an unknown virus that scientists around the world started to find treatments and develop vaccines towards it. A few months back, one pill known as ibuprofen was said to be in the systems of every Covid-19 patient and was said to be the worst painkiller to use during this pandemic, however, there are going back on themselves and will be using this drug to see if it treats coronavirus patients in hospitals! There is however a slight difference in this ibuprofen and this difference could be the treatment to coronavirus if testing goes well.

The difference in this ibuprofen pill is the formula. This is a special type of formula that could help people with the virus in hospital and could be used from now on. Scientists are hoping that this low-cost treatment will keep patients off the ventilators. In this trial, half of the patients will receive ibuprofen, and half will not and they will see if anything happens and if any additional care happens throughout since there is currently nothing that helps people recover from Covid-19 and they are left to let their body recover itself.

Current Stats of Covid-19

Cases: 6,464,532
Deaths: 382,727
Recovered: 3,077,644

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