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Ibuprofen Tested As Coronavirus Treatment?

Ibuprofen Tested As Coronavirus Treatment?
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Ibuprofen is being tested by doctors and scientists as a potential treatment for coronavirus.

It will be interesting to see if ibuprofen can be an effective treatment after all.

This comes after some scientists suggest that the drug could help breathing difficulties, despite a few months ago, the drug not being recommended to coronavirus patients.

Patients were initially warned against using ibuprofen, as it had the potential to suppress the bodies immune response, causing even more difficulties, but, in a new trial called libertine, some patients will be given lipid capsules alongside their usual treatment, whilst scientists and doctors monitor their progress.

The basis for their new U-turn regarding the drug is due to animals showing that it can maybe help treat acute respiratory distress syndrome, a more serious symptom of Coronavirus.

Prof Mitul Mehta, one of the team at King’s College London, who suggested running the trails, said: “We need to do a trial to show that the evidence actually matches what we expect to happen.”

But, despite the promising display in animals, doctors and the NHS do still recommend treating your symptoms with paracetamol first, as paracetamol has less side effects. A fever is how your body fights illness, and it gets inflamed during this time. Ibuprofen, as you may know, is an anti inflammatory, so it hinders the bodies immune response. Paracetamol is believed not to do this, because it doesn’t work in the same way.

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