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Coronavirus Updates!

Coronavirus Updates!
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Covid-19 has become a huge issue to everyone and anyone in the world, no one is safe from this virus and anyone can die from this virus after careful research. More and more people are recovering from this virus as seen with Boris Johnson and other heath care professionals, the NHS has done a great job so far and will continue to help everyone until this pandemic is done and dusted. Here are a few updates that everyone must know about the most recent virus.

Scientists to discuss lockdown

So far, the UK are in the forth week of the shutdown and will continue to stay in this if we continue to not follow the rules, however Boris has said that everyone has done well to follow the rules but we could be getting a tighter lockdown since we still haven’t reached the peak of the virus just yet. The reports will be passed through Dominic Raab, but he made it very clear that nothing is due to change as of yet!

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Gyms under threat

A lot of businesses and restaurants have stopped due to the spread of this virus and will stay shut until the virus has slowed down, however Gym’s around the world are currently under a huge threat due to some gyms not allowing users to pay since they won’t be going to the gym through this pandemic. The same with Pubs around the world, this could end some gyms around the UK since they were forced to stop and cancel everyone’s subscriptions!

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