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Stardew Valley: Starting out

Stardew Valley: Starting out


In this post we’ll be taking a look at the very beginning of Stardew Valley and how to start off strong. The first thing to look at is the farm map and which would be the best option for you! If you’re new to the game I recommend the standard map as it is designed for large farming space and animals.

If you are someone who loves foraging then the forest farm would be the one for you as it has more chance of foraging items spawning. But does come with less farming space as a whole and there is certain types of weeds which drop that allow you to have mix seeds guaranteed.

The next farm below that one is the Hill-top Farm which is there for people who have a love for mining. This farm contains geode-bearing rocks for more geodes and some ores.


Riverland Farm is the next farm and this one has very little farming space but has mountains of water so you can enjoy fishing. On this farm you can catch the same fish you would catch in town.

The next farm take a big leap into the combat skill, we are now looking at the Wilderness Farm where the monsters will come out at night and also Wilderness Golems which are unique to this map.

The next farm is made for multiplayer purposes however if your someone who wants to cut your farm layout. Then this map is for you. It has mining fishing, farming and slight bit of foraging and that is the Four Corners Farm.

The last farm is good for Fishing and Foraging and that is the beach farm and the only downfall is no sprinklers are allowed except for one area. This is more tailored to players who don’t rely on crops.

  • Use your axe, pickaxe, and scythe on the logs, stones, grass and bushes on your farm to clear about 15 tiles.
  • Use your hoe to till the soil and plant the 15 Parsnip Seeds provided by Mayor Lewis.
  • Use your watering can to water your seeds and soil.
  • Continue watering your crops every day until they grow in to harvestable crops. Your parsnips will be ready to harvest in 4 days
  • A helpful tip: Maple, Pine and Oak trees all have the same hit ratio; 10 hits from your axe. The stumps only take 5 hits from your axe.

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