
How safe are you online?
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How safe are you online?

How safe are you Online? In this modern world, we live in, the rate of development of hardware and software is a million miles an hour. With these advancements, it has become even simpler to access the internet through multiple devices pretty much anywhere in the world. The development of online software and the change…

World Oceans Day 2021
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World Oceans Day 2021

Today marks World Oceans Day On the 8th of June every year, the date is marked as world oceans day. According to the UN “World Oceans Day reminds everyone of the major role the oceans have in everyday life. They are the lungs of our planet and a major source of food and medicine and…

Get Your Washing On The Line
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Get Your Washing On The Line

International Clothesline Week Today marks the first day of International Clothesline Week. Created by Gary Drisdelle Today is the first day of a week-long campaign to encourage the public to save energy by hanging their clothes out on the line to dry instead of using electric dryers. Annually the week starts on the first Saturday…

It’s National Running day 2021
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It’s National Running day 2021

Global Running Day The 2nd of June 2021 marks Global Running day. The First Wednesday in June marks the day where the country’s foremost running organizations work together with thousands of participants to celebrate the sport. Whether you like a gentle jog or something a bit more, or even just thinking about getting into Running,…

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