History, Why do we

Just Why Is It That We Shake Hands?

Just Why Is It That We Shake Hands?

A brief history behind the reason we shake hands!

two men shake hands

Image credit: El Nariz/Shutterstock.com


Prior to the advent of street lighting and policemen, the streets of many towns and cities tended to be dark and dangerous places. Thus, almost all men carried some form of weaponry. When two men happened to meet it was customary for them to hold each other’s weapon (right) hand. This was a gesture to show that neither of them was capable of drawing a weapon. Thus, their intentions were of an entirely friendly nature. Through time it became customary for men to hold (i.e. shake) hands briefly when first meeting each other. The gesture soon became a recognised way of greeting, and a symbol of friendship, when meeting someone.


Header image credit: ASDF Media/Shutterstock.com

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