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UK Coronavirus Cases Rising!

UK Coronavirus Cases Rising!
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Covid-19 is the deadliest disease that has come to us in this day and age, no one expected a virus that had symptoms like the common cold to be as deadly as it currently is. Causing a lot of places around the world to go into lockdown.

As some places have had their peak and there have been signs of this virus slowing down and stopping completely… other places are seeing a second spike occur rapidly and even worse than the first spike that happened.

France is the most noticeable place to have a second spike, as well as Spain. Both went down from having above 5,000 cases to having 500 cases and now back up to a massive 9,000 cases a day!

The UK however… they are in a bit of a situation where virus cases are rising but not as rapidly as other countries. The UK has seen a rapid turnaround since lowing restrictions with half the public asking for the lockdown to be over and done with, now we could be seeing another lockdown happening with the cases constantly rising.

2 days ago, the UK got over 2,500 cases, yesterday the UK got over 3,000 cases. Therefore the cases are constantly rising and could be going back up to another peak level if not careful.


Health experts warned us all about the second wave of Covid-19 and said it could be as bad as the first wave but right now the UK is seeing fewer cases than the first time but this could change within an instant.



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