
There’s No Cure For A Hangover, But You Can Prevent One

There’s No Cure For A Hangover, But You Can Prevent One
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A recent study suggests that there is nothing you can do about your hangover if you’re already suffering from one; but they can be prevented.

Though hangovers are not well understood by science, it is thought that causes include dehydration, our immune systems, and disturbances of our metabolism and hormones. But once you have a hangover, there is no magic cure, although rehydrating, painkillers such as paracetamol and ibuprofen, and sugary foods are some of the things that may ease your discomfort.

But there are steps you can take to reduce the chance of getting one in the first place, beyond the obvious; drinking less.

These include:

  • not drinking on an empty stomach
  • not drinking dark-coloured drinks if you have found you are sensitive to them
  • drinking water or non-fizzy soft drinks in between each alcoholic drink
  • drinking a pint or so of water before you go to sleep


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