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Places Reopening in England!
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Places Reopening in England!

The UK is currently recording the lowest amount of infected people in a while, with under 1,000 infected with Covid-19 yesterday, it’s fair to say that the virus is definitely slowing down and stopping in the UK. A lot of businesses are starting to reopen and a lot of shops are beginning to reopen as…

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UK Death Toll Rises By 15

15 is the number of people who’ve died in the past 24 hours after being diagnosed with Coronavirus. It’s the smallest rise since March. This brings the total UK death toll to 42,647, but the number may be slightly inaccurate, as there are errors in counting at weekends including lag. It’s the smallest rise since…

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June 11th Coronavirus Update

There have been a few big changes in the past few days, especially in the UK.  Meaning, there’s a few things to get into (to say the least). The PM has announced that some people can visit other people’s houses, without social distancing. These “bubbles” are exclusive, and whoever’s home you pick to enter, is…

June 9th Coronavirus Update
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June 9th Coronavirus Update

In the UK, the excess Coronavirus deaths continue to fall. In fact, they are at the lowest point since the entire pandemic began in the UK, with 55 new deaths being recorded yesterday. Despite this, people are still dying every day due to the virus, and 1 death is one death too many. The PM…

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