UK News, Uncategorized

Isolation to be Cut!

Isolation to be Cut!
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Covid-19 has been the worst pandemic in modern history, causing millions of people to suffer in the process… However recent studies show the vaccine is stopping people feeling the worse symptoms!

With this in mind, England are still yet to announce any change to rules about lockdown or any safety measures, however a new rule about self isolation has appeared, and a lot of people will be happy with this rule as its shorter than ever.

England have now announced that if you test positive for Covid-19 and your fully vaccinated, you now only have to isolate for 5 days.

Image credit: Shutterstock

After 5 days, if you test positive twice, you are free to go back out as the virus will have more than likely left by then. Great news for everyone but what could happen if the tests are wrong?

With cases rising some days and other days it’s fine, it’s showing that Covid-19 will stay in the world for a long time whether the rules have changed or not.

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