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How To Sleep Better

How To Sleep Better
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With all the uncertainty in the world at the moment, it’s becoming increasingly hard to wind down and have a set routine.

Sleep is very important for the body.

This is obviously affecting people’s sleep, and pretty negatively too. So, here’s a few ways you can improve your sleep – starting from tonight!

Turn screens off 

Turn screens off! Don’t watch TV or use your phone around an hour before sleeping for optimal effects. The blue light from screens such as TVs and phones makes you less sleepy as it suppresses certain sleepy chemicals in your brain.


This isn’t a quick fix but being generally healthy is a good way to have better quality sleep. Mental health is also important, as anxiety is something that really effects sleep.

Staying hydrated

Drinking water before bed has been proven to give you a better nights sleep. Water is involved in a lot of bodily functions, so it’s important to stock up on it a little before bed. It’ll also help you wake up less groggy, so it might be worth keeping a bottle by your bed from now on!

Other distractions 

You should try and get rid of other distractions like loud noise and bad smells, as these are – distraction! If it’ll distract you awake, it’ll likely distract you when asleep too, so try and remove them from your sleeping environment. They may also prohibit you from actually getting to sleep in the first place so this is also something to keep in mind. Make sure you’re a good temperature too, as too hot or cold of a room can ruin a good nights sleep.


Listen to your body. If you’re not tired, you likely won’t get to sleep and if you do it probably won’t be good quality. Also avoid having caffeine and sugary things hours before bed, as these can obviously keep you awake. Caffeine is active in the body (at varying levels) for around 6 hours after you take it in, so keep that in mind if you’re big on your coffee, tea, or  energy drinks!

Address the problems

At the end of the day, if you’re really struggling to sleep, you should get off this article and get down to the doctors! They know better than anyone what the best course of action is, and can prescribe things to help you drift off. We’re not medical experts, so if you’re concerned about your sleep, go see a medical professional.

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