Covid-19 is still the biggest threat in the UK to this date, with almost 130,000 people getting infected with this virus each day, however, Boris Johnson is trying to tackle the virus by making sure everyone gets their booster jabs. If everyone,.m gets their booster jabs by the end of December or at least half, then the goal would have been achieved, however, this does not mean the end of Covid-19 in the UK.
With Covid-19 getting worse and worse and with this, Boris Johnson has stated that he isn’t ruling anything out, to try and contain the virus from getting worse and worse, however, no one is wanting another lockdown, however, this may be the last option as nothing else is seeming to work for this virus to slow down or stop spreading as fast as it is going.
When the virus first started, the cases were as little as 5,000 a day and only increased to 7,000 once, however, now the UK has let it get as bad as 100,000 a day like the US. What will stop this?