Headlines, Health

5,000,000 Worldwide Cases!

5,000,000 Worldwide Cases!
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Covid-19 is going to be one of the hardest viruses to contain right now and the only way certain countries have found out how to contain it is by going into lockdown, however this takes a toll on a lot of people. A lot of people are out of their jobs, not earning enough to pay for there families and not being able to pay anything at all due to the virus stopping them from going to work. Also since this virus is deadly, not many people feel safe returning until there is a cure and or if it’s gone for good. Right now, some countries are getting back to normal as others are still getting 10,000+ infected each day.

At the time of writing this, the coronavirus cases counter is on 5,000,000 people. With USA having 1,570,583 cases in general and in behind them is Russia with 308,705. This goes to show how fast the virus can spread within a certain time limit. The UK has slowed down since the time they got the virus and when the detected it. China on the other hand, the place where the virus first began, has said to only have 87 currently infected with the virus and have nearly went back to normal since the virus began back in Wuhan.

Coronavirus has to be stopped within the next year otherwise schools and colleges will be completely different due to the social distancing rule and some parents not wanting to risk taking there kids to school since this virus is deadly. Coronavirus was said to be deadly to those who have underlining health issues and those in old age, however now it can kill anyone. Stay Safe, Stay Home.

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