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What are the Symptoms of Coronavirus?

What are the Symptoms of Coronavirus?
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Covid-19 is around the world and has taken the world by storm, causing lockdown after lockdown in a lot of places around the world and has caused some businesses to stop completely cause coronavirus stopped the business from running during the lockdown.

Some people that get coronavirus don’t feel any symptoms and don’t seem to be affected by it much, however, others get mild and serious cases. This is due to some people having a great immune system and other reasons due to the virus not being effective to some of us.

The symptoms are as follows and have stayed this since the beginning;

  • New and contagious cough
    • Coughing a lot for more than an hour or so could be a result of having coronavirus, this also applies to when having three or four coughing episodes in 24 hours.
  • Fever
    • fever is a common way to find out if you are ill and or got this very virus, the temperature will be above 37.8C if they have a chance of having this virus.
  • Change in smell and or taste
    • Changing in taste and smell is another symptom of coronavirus and could result in everyone knowing the difference between having the virus and or not, this means you are unable to taste and or smell anything.

If you have any of these symptoms… stay at home for 14 days or more depending on how long it lasts and get a coronavirus testing kit to make sure if it is and or isn’t the virus. 85% of people that get these symptoms could have coronavirus.

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