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Up To Date List Of Coronavirus Symptoms

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A high temperature 

Regarded as one of the most common symptoms. The government guidelines suggest that if you have a high temperature, or you’re hot to touch on your chest and back, you should self isolate for at least 7 days.

A new, persistent cough

“If you find yourself coughing a lot for more than an hour, or experience three or more coughing episodes in the space of 24 hours, you must stay at home and self-isolate for a period of seven days.”

Muscle pain 

Aches and muscle pains seem to a symptom of coronavirus, with feelings of exhaustion and general aches being fairly common in some patients.

Loss of taste/sense of smell

Dr Dawn Harper, a professional in the field, has said that: “Around one in four patients will also notice either a loss of sense of smell or a loss of sense of taste.”

Sore throat and headache 

Even though these symptoms aren’t officially listed on the NHS website, many researchers and professionals who’ve treated patients have seen these symptoms time and time again. They aren’t the most come on symptoms, but still reported nonetheless.


A group of researchers found that 36 percent of the 214 infected patients analysed had frequently experienced neurological effects such as dizziness or a headache.

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