Headlines, UK News

Royal Couple Say Lockdown is “Stressful” on Mental Healt

Royal Couple Say Lockdown is “Stressful” on Mental Healt
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Coronavirus has hit everyone hard, not being able to go outside as often as you use to be able to, only going for essentials and one exercise a day. This lockdown will have hit everyone hard and will continue to hit everyone hard if it is not stopped or slowed down in the next few weeks. We have been told we could only have 3 more weeks in lockdown but we may not be back to normal for another few months due to the virus spreading at a rapid pace. WHO said that the virus would phase out soon but it seems to still be growing at a rapid pace.

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Prince William has said that there was an “ever-increasing need” for people to know where to get help from and the support they need “If we are going to go forward with more time spent in lockdown, then there is going to be an ever-increasing need for people to look after their mental health and take it seriously and also know where to go to get the support they might need,” William said. Mental health is a huge issue that needs to be taken serious as well. But all NHS staff, the Heath Secretary and more advice that everyone continue to stay at home so we can save lives!

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