UK News

Look Out For The Comet In UK Skies Tonight

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Comet “Swan” will be visible in uk skies tonight.

The Australian discovered the icy rock recently.

The comet, named after the Solar Wind Anisotropies (SWAN) instrument aboard SOHO, the ESA/NASA Solar and HeliosphericObservatory, was discovered by amateur astronomer Michael Mattiazzo recently.

The comet will reportedly become brighter towards the end of the month, as it gets closer to the sun at the centre of our solar system.

A post on the European Space Agency website explains: “It can be extremely difficult to predict the behaviour of comets that make such close approaches to the Sun, but scientists are hopeful that Comet SWAN will remain bright enough to see as it continues its journey.

If the comet survives, star gazers on Earth should look for it near the bright star Capella in the constellation of Auriga, the Charioteer.

“This is almost certainly the only time the comet will be visible in our lifetimes: estimates are not yet fully precise, but it is clear that the comet’s orbital period is measured in thousands or even millions of years.”

It’ll be best viewed in the direction of the Southern Hemisphere, and a BBC report explained: “Binoculars rather than naked eye would give someone the best chance of seeing it.

“Into next month it will have a better elevation but not predicted to be very bright so again binoculars or a small telescope would be needed.

“They are easier to handle and should give a nice view of the comet’s ‘smudge’ appearance.”

It’s not going to be easy to see, as explained, but if you time it right, and look in the right places, SWAN will be visible to you in the UK tonight, and possibly later on in the month too.

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