Worldwide News

Do Masks Really Work?

Do Masks Really Work?
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Masks are now the new wallet and keys… you can’t go anywhere in the world without a mask until the pandemic is fully over. But right now, the whole world are using masks to get around to avoid getting the virus and avoid spreading the virus but there has been a number of people saying that this virus can still infect those who are wearing masks and those who are following the rules while wearing them. The whole mask conspiracy has been around since the beginning of wearing them and the main question about them is… do they really work to prevent the virus?

With the virus being at its peak in some places and others it is slowing down… the main question is do they work? Health experts say they help a lot and they help with not getting the virus but other seem to think different. The main one is… doctors have proven masks don’t change much with oxygen levels which could suggest the virus can still infect those with masks on! Others say that the masks don’t work at all and some doctors have said it does and some may not!

One doctor put it upon herself to prove that certain masks work and others work. Some PPE that she was sent were from China and she tried to blow her lighter out and it went within a second… but another mask she had never put the light out. Which suggest some masks can work as other may not work. Overall some mask are able to work as other may not, maybe try the lighter test. Blow your lighter with the masks you are using, see if it goes off in a single blow!

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