UK News

Covid-19 – Can You be Immune?

Covid-19 – Can You be Immune?
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Covid-19 has been affecting everyone around the world since the begining of the year, the UK are feeling a new peak and places like France and Spain are seeing this too. USA have opened everything up even with the virus still there and are getting over 100,000 cases nearly everyday.

One questions remains the same and this could answer this question. Can you be immune from the virus?

Ever since the virus started, scientists have been trying to answer this question. The virus is reaching a new peak and reaching new levels in most countries. Some people will think they are immune from the virus after already having it, with antibodies being found in some peoples systems however this could be awful if it’s true.


According to research, one man has had the virus more than 4 times since the virus started… Each time getting worse and worse symptoms. Another man has also been recorded having the virus twice with the second time being more deadly.

This could suggest that the virus will give you antibodies but… This will only be effective for a few months then you will get a chance to have the virus again. A vaccine needs to be made to ensure that the virus is completely gone, however could the vaccine be the same as the flu shot? One each year?

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