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Coronavirus Information!

Coronavirus Information!
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A lot of people are currently scared of this virus, since it is spreading at a rapid pace and a lot of people around the world is dying of this virus, however there is no need to panic about this virus due to the facts and figures that have been displayed from other viruses and other bits of information! Here is some information about the virus that will make you think twice about it.

82,000 people are currently sick with this virus, a lot of people, however 77,000 of them are in China. This means that if someone hasn’t visited China, this should be the least of your concern, yes it is spreading but not enough to be worried about currently.

If you do end up getting in contact with someone with this virus, there is more than 90% chance of you recovering from the virus than dying from the virus.
81% of cases are Mild!
14% of cases are Moderate!
5% are Critical!
This means that when you get the virus and or if you get it, you will most likely survive the virus but will be in self isolation for 2 or more weeks due to having this virus.

Some people are saying this is going to end the world and kill off humanity, however SARS has a fatality rate of 10% or more as the coronavirus has a fatality rate of 3.4%. If you are under the age of 50, the chances of you dying is 0.2%, if you have health issues, you will be in that 0.2%, if not you will survive and recover from the virus. In consideration, if you are under 50 and don’t live in China, you are more likely to win the lottery, which is 1 in 45,000,000!

The most deaths in a day is 108 which were all in China on the 10th February 2020 and on the same day;
26,283 died of Cancer
24,641 died of Heart Disease
4.300 died of Diabetes
And Suicide has taken 28 more lives than the coronavirus currently!

After taking in this information, you should consider how far away you are from getting it and the chances of getting it as well. One case in Cumbria currently and potentially more. Worst thing that could happen is you get it and you will be self-isolated and recover after a few weeks of having it. It’s said to be like the flu!


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