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“50-69 Year Olds Should Self Isolate”

“50-69 Year Olds Should Self Isolate”
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Professionals have suggested that people aged 50+ should self isolate just as those over 70 are.

The governments current advice is that those over 70 should self isolate. But now, scientists are now warning that this advice should be extended to other age groups too.

Scientist Mike Fischer, who runs a medical research lab in Oxford called Systems Biology Laboratory, told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme this morning: “The numbers show the 50 to 69s have as much reason to be as diligent and disciplined and make sacrifices to isolate themselves now as the over 70s.

“Over half of the people admitted to critical care in Britain are in the 50 to 69 category – more than twice as many as have been admitted to critical care in the over 70s.

“So if you want to reduce the load on NHS beds in a few weeks time, the actions of the 50 to 69s are the critical factor.”

And as mentioned before, because of this, scientists are advising governing bodies and the WHO to change the official advice. Look at Italy for example, one of the worst hit European countries, and they have on average an older population. However many 50-69 year olds are fit and working, and the government needs to find a way to benefit both health and economy.

“I think it would be a wise personal choice given the fact of the people who have left critical care in that 50 to 69 age group – 51 per cent have died, so you’re not just protecting the NHS you’re also protecting yourself,” Mr Fischer said.


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