
Scylla: Terror of the Sea

Scylla: Terror of the Sea

In Greek mythology Scylla was known as a sea monster, who lived near whirlpools and haunted the rocks of a narrow strait. Ships were known for sailing over there due to her lore of pretending to be a girl lost in the sea needed in rescue, but any ship that when near would lose six men to her darting head that were fast killing them fast.

Scylla | Paestan red-figure krater C4th B.C. | The J. Paul Getty Museum, Malibu

She is described as a creature with 12 dangling feet and six long necks with heads that have triple rows of razor sharp teeth. Her voice sounding like a yelping dogs, this was however probably given due to imagery words that linked to her ” Dog-shark”

In classical art she was shown as a fish- tailed sea goddess with a cluster of canine fore- parts surrounding her waist.

On the other hand the late classical writers says she was once a beautiful nymph loved by the sea god Glaukos, but rivals became jealous and the witch Kirke, transformed her into a sea monster she’s known for. Older poets says that Scylla was simply a monster born into a monstrous family.



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