
Animals, History add comment


The Diplodocus is a large herbivore, that lived in the Jurassic period and inhabited North America. Its fossils have been found in many places in North America such as Utah, Colorado and Texas. For a very long time this dinosaur was claimed to be the longest land-dwelling dinosaur. It is named for the structure of…

Why do we celebrate Halloween?
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Why do we celebrate Halloween?

A brief history of why we celebrate ‘Halloween’ Unlike many old traditions, the custom of celebrating Halloween is actually a growing trend across the world. Observance of the day occurs primarily in those regions of western civilisation. However, the nocturnal ritual just keeps on spreading and growing. We can primarily attribute the growth of Halloween…

Why do we have April Fools Day?
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Why do we have April Fools Day?

A brief history of the reason we hold April Fools’ Day April Fools’ Day, sometimes known as All Fools’ Day, is an annual celebration in western society. It’s observed on the 1st of April and involves playing harmless pranks or practical jokes on family, friends, and colleagues. The pranksters will eventually expose their actions by…

Why do we celebrate Bonfire Night?
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Why do we celebrate Bonfire Night?

A brief history behind the British celebration of Bonfire Night! On 5 November every year, people across the UK and many parts of the Commonwealth light fires, let off fireworks and burn the ‘guy’. But, what is the reason behind the ‘Bonfire Night’ celebration? As you probably know, it is done to commemorate the anniversary…

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