
Animals, Carnivore, Reptiles add comment

Nile Crocodile

Bite force: 5,000psi Distribution: Sub-Saharan Africa The Nile crocodile is a reptile and is a Carnivore. Its average lifespan in the wild is 45 years, with the average size of 16ft and weighs about 500 lbs. Its Scientific name is Crocodylus niloticus. This crocodile run-in with humans happen quite often due to its close habitats…

Animals, Fish & Sea Life add comment

Mako shark

The Mako shark is known as the fastest fish in the sea as it can swim as fast as cheetah can run on land. There are two type of Mako sharks left they are the Longfin Mako and shortfin Mako. Mako sharks can live for an estimated 28-35 years These sharks look like a smaller…

Bull Shark
Animals, Fish & Sea Life add comment

Bull Shark

Bite force: 1,350psi Distribution: Warm coastal areas, rivers and lakes worldwide The bull shark or the Carcharhinus leucism as its scientific name says is a fish, and a top predator of the oceans as these sharks can be found worldwide and these are the only type of sharks that can go from freshwater to saltwater….

Animals, History add comment


This dinosaur was the biggest of all the carnivorous dinosaurs, larger than Tyrannosaurus and Giganotosaurus but it’s unclear just how big Spinosaurus was, due to incomplete fossils. .It lived during part of the Cretaceous period, about 112 million to 97 million years ago. This giant dinosaur was known for roaming around the swaps and inhabited North Africa. They roamed…

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The Titanoboa was a prehistoric giant snake that lived round about 60 million years ago in the Paleogene period, and it lived in hot places and it was believed to live in South Africa. This snake was given the name Titanoboa, due to the fact of it impressive size people believed that the snake grew to…

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