
Camel Spider

Camel Spider

The camel spider has a world record for being the world’s swiftest terrestrial invertebrate. It is a premium desert predator and is located in the hottest and driest parts of Asia, and the wider world.

They feed on large rodents, spiders and small birds which a fear factor of looking like a spider and a scorpion have huge claws.

It is known for being strong and fast and mostly out at night to feed on its prey, they are known for being extremely aggressive and will quite easily run after its prey.

Powerful piercing jaws can be upto a third of their body length, they are have sharp teeth and a painful infectious bite. Camel spiders can run at 16kph.

they can grow at a average length of 16 cm long.

When people are in the desert due to the camel spider hating the sun light it looks for any shadow possible so it sometimes runs for people shadow and people are known for running away from them and the camel spider will let out a screaming like sound as it trying to keep in the shade.

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