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Chloe ✅

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Blue Ringed Octopus
Animals, Fish & Sea Life add comment

Blue Ringed Octopus

This small little sea creature has three hearts, and blue blood, with eight arms wiggling from its mouth, it can kill with its spit and send a person into a medical emergency within minutes. They are different from every other octopus species, as they are highly venomous, they will flash blue rings at you, and…

The Triggerfish
Animals, Fish & Sea Life add comment

The Triggerfish

These fish are known for being fearless and they have a hair-trigger temper with muscle  to match. They are sea demons divers go out their way to avoid. They are known for going for divers no matter what their size, they will also go for sharks, they’ll go for stingrays. They will attack anything that…

Russell viper
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Russell viper

This snake is known as a venom landmine and hisses like a pressure cooker, this snake is a beautiful looking but is aggressive and is a very deadly snake which people fear, this is something to look at from afar. This aggressive serpent is arguably the loudest hissing assassin alive, as people in India die…

Honey Badger
Animals, Mammals, Omnivore add comment

Honey Badger

Where can you find a Honey Badger? The Honey Badger is a mammal commonly found in Africa, Southwest Asia and India. This animal is known for being fearless and in the Guinness book of world records has been named the most fearless animal in the animal kingdom. This animal has strength, intelligence, ferocity and a…

Asian Tarantula
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Asian Tarantula

The Asian tarantula’s are very aggressive and are known for bite first without a second thought. There are hundreds of species of tarantulas found right throughout Asia, from the jungles of Laos and Thailand to the cites of India, there is no place they won’t go in Asia. They are known as gems of the…

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