
Asian Tarantula

Asian Tarantula

The Asian tarantula’s are very aggressive and are known for bite first without a second thought. There are hundreds of species of tarantulas found right throughout Asia, from the jungles of Laos and Thailand to the cites of India, there is no place they won’t go in Asia.

They are known as gems of the jungle and they come in a kaleidoscope of colours, from sapphire blue to fluorescent green, and purple. If you shine a touch on them, all you will see is a sudden flash of blue.

This something you rather see rather than touch, this creepy crawly with make a hissing sound like your frying bacon if you get too close for comfort and this is a warning call, this is also a defensive mechanism. It works similar to a way to a rattle snake tail, its a clear warning, telling you it close by and to leave it alone.

Asian tarantula do not make webs to lure the victims they rather ambush them instead. They have vampire like fangs that can grow to the length of cat canines. They are aggressive and are quick to bite.

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