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Chloe ✅

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The tarantula is found throughout hot and tropical Latin America. This spider is famous for being large and hairy. It also known for having huge fangs which inject venom into its prey.  The tarantula doesn’t only eat bugs it can also take down birds and venomous pit vipers. It’s venom breaks down the insides of…

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Warrior wasp

The Warrior wasp is way bigger to any other wasp you’ll encounter, there known for being pitch black and really protective of its home which it will defend at all costs.  They have a sting that is one of the most agonising in the animal kingdom. Which is also 50x times more painful than a…

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Humboldt Squid

The Humboldt Squid is one of the most deadliest squids know small in size but have plenty danger about them. They have thousands of needle-sharp teeth and a bone crushing beak. There bite can even break though steel cables. They highly intelligent and are known to unscrew glass jars.  These squid can flash colours red…

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The Black Caiman

The Black caiman is can grow up to 6 foot long. The Black caiman has it ordinary black colour with red piercing eyes. It lunges at it pray like a great white shark. The crocodile are the most dominant predators in South America. It’s known for being on of nature’s greatest killing machines.  The Black…

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The Black Widow

The black widow often get mistaken for Australia’s red back spider but they are different in many ways. The black widow had venom 15 times stronger than a rattlesnake. The black widow is so well know the name itself has been put into movies. Where a woman would seek out and destroy her male target. …

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