

The tarantula is found throughout hot and tropical Latin America. This spider is famous for being large and hairy. It also known for having huge fangs which inject venom into its prey. 

The tarantula doesn’t only eat bugs it can also take down birds and venomous pit vipers. It’s venom breaks down the insides of its prey and turns it into a soup like substance, it then uses it sucking stomach and hoovers it up into the stomach of the spider. 

There are 900 species of tarantulas. There are many different coloured ones like yellow,blue and red. However it’s not just there colours that vary it’s also where they live, in trees and some underground but they also vary in size some can be the size of your thumbnail or the size of your dinner plate. They can be brightly coloured or they can be striped.Tarantulas also behave in many different ways. 

The tarantula when it sheds it skin it has an ability to grow back damaged limbs and damaged internal organs. The tarantula venom is at a low toxicity and no one has ever died from a tarantula bite. 

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