
3 Social Media Marketing Tips

3 Social Media Marketing Tips

1. Tell a story.

No one will click on your post/advert if it isn’t eye catching and engaging… So tell a story! Write something that your audience can relate to and want to know more about! The way you get traffic and leads is by making a consumer feel something. Whether that’s happiness, fear, urgency or anything else. Just know that it works.

2. Don’t be afraid to pay for advertising.

Jamie Turner, a business CEO, says “most people see social media as a pure organic play, but I’m using it more and more frequently as a paid marketing channel. I’ve tested paid ads on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms. All of them have their strengths and weaknesses, but if I were to provide one tip to people who are using social media, it would be this — don’t be afraid of paying for social media reach and clicks. It’s often a good investment!”

3. Aim for Engagement First.

One of the biggest mistakes small businesses are doing is they always aim to get a lead or conversion from social media ads. One thing you should understand is that people are scrolling social dashboard for entertainment and they aren’t usually looking to buy or submit their email.

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