Tag: coronavirus

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COVID-19 Restrictions To Be Relaxed Despite Concerns
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COVID-19 Restrictions To Be Relaxed Despite Concerns

As you may know, the government recently announced that they will be loosening coronavirus restrictions in the UK around Christmas, to allow families to see eachother and bring a bit of normality to this crazy year.  However, more recently, some ministers and health care professionals have become concerned that the coming relaxation of rules will…

Covid-19: Christmas Rules to be Changed?
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Covid-19: Christmas Rules to be Changed?

This Christmas is different from any other Christmas the average 40 to 50 year old may have had, having to ensure family’s safety by not allowing them in many homes and sticking to the rules that Boris Johnson has set out. Covid-19 is the cause for this, a virus that has infected over 50,000,000 people…

819,000 Jobs Lost Since the Start of the Pandemic!
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819,000 Jobs Lost Since the Start of the Pandemic!

The Covid-19 pandemic has stopped a lot of businesses from getting better, which could have resulted in that one business losing out on a lot of money and or losing their business due to the virus causing so many issues for them. Some issues could come from the infection rate as others could have come…

No “Special” Rules For New Years
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No “Special” Rules For New Years

The government has made it clear that there will be no special rules for New Years like there has been for Christmas.  Matt Hancock clarified that those in Tier 2 and 3 will not be allowed to see friends or family members as they will be able to at Christmas. In response to public questions…

Pupils in Coronavirus Hotspots to be Tested?
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Pupils in Coronavirus Hotspots to be Tested?

In the UK, coronavirus is currently slowing down but slowly, more than 10,000 people are still testing positive for Covid-19 and they will continue to rise if the UK doesn’t slow down on what is opening up and what is staying closed. Pupils are at risk due to them having to go to school and…

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