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80% of Positive Patients Feel No Symptoms!

80% of Positive Patients Feel No Symptoms!
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Coronavirus is the weirdest virus to ever hit the world. One of the craziest viruses and the worst virus so far, during this day and age. The virus has been effecting everyone and will stay most likely for the next 100 years, however the cure and vaccine is slowly being developed and slowly working its way to the world. Coronavirus is extremely hard to understand… especially with new research that has happened in recent months. Not many viruses are like this and are able to be treated by many antibiotics, however this is the new research.

New research suggests that 80% of people that are tested positive for coronavirus will have felt no symptoms. Meaning they have been tested with no symptoms and got tested positive for coronavirus. This is strange with a lot of viruses but with this new discovery, what else is there to learn that we don’t know? In recent months, scientists have found out 80% of people will have had the virus but will feel nothing towards the virus. As 20% may feel the effects. This virus is going to continue to strike until something is done about it.

Covid-19 is a strange virus and has some strange stuff to do with it. The virus will be contained and will be sorted once a cure is discovered and a vaccine is developed.

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