
How you to remove gel nails at home

How you to remove gel nails at home

Gel nails allows us to have well painted nails and help your nails to grow like mad with minimal chipping. They are and look amazing until you have to take them off.

If you start to peel your gel polish off it will leave your nails weak and ridged. So here is how you should be taking your gel nails off to get minimal damage to your nails!

Step One:

Gently buff the top of your gels. 

When buffing the top of the gel polish you have to be very gentle and be careful not to scratch the cuticles plus the surrounding skin. Use a buffer with a ‘low grit’ so it is not going to cause any nail or skin damage. Buffing the top of your gel polish will remove the seal of the gel formula and allows the nail polish remover to work more effectively.

Step Two:

Wrap your nails

You need to have some nail polish remover that contains acetone, acetone is what breaks down the gel formula. Cut your cotton pads into 10 small squares then cut ten strips of tin foil. Soak each cotton pad in acetone and place on top of your buffed nail and wrap the strip of tin foil on top and twist to secure. Repeat for the rest of your nails and leave for 10-15 minutes.


Step Three:

Remove the foil and cotton pads

Remove the foil and cotton pads, you may notice that there is still gel polish still on your nails. When you remove the foil etc the gel polish will be soft so all you have to do is remove the polish from your nails using a wooden orange stick or a cuticle pusher.


Step Four:

Nourish and replenish

Your nails and surrounding skin will be dry plus delicate from the gels and acetone so you need to use a rich oil to moisturise and support healthy growth. Finish off with a nail cream to make your hands soft and moisturised.

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